2Q Young Artists – Silver Arts Award 2023

Please note this project has now ended, to be added to a mailing list for future Arts Award projects please contact learning@2queens.com


We are really excited to launch recruitment for our Silver Arts Award project for young people aged 12-16 (school years 8-11). 

Young people can complete their award while taking part in creative experiences and activities. This project has a focus on exploring creative technologies!

We’ll be taking part in a 3D rendering and Generative workshop in the Reality Labs at the National Space Centre and exploring VR with MBD.

It’s a great opportunity new gain digital skills, explore new technologies, meet new people and make new friends!

The project will culminate in a short public exhibition at Two Queens.

Session dates and times: (timings subject to change)

4th Nov 10am – 12noon, 18th Nov 10am – 12noon, 2nd Dec 10am – 12noon, 6th Jan 10am – 12noon, 20th Jan 10am – 12noon, 3rd Feb 10am – 12noon, 2nd March 10am – 12noon, 16th March 10am – 12noon, 23rd March 10am – 12noon

Showcase for friend and family: 23rd March 12noon – 1pm

Exhibition: Wednesday 20th- 23rd March 2024

Places are limited and are allocated on a first come first served basis. 

To sign up complete the consent form here: https://forms.gle/n5fKTi8wNbGfPZfz6

For more information email learning@2queens.com

About Arts Award: Arts Award inspires young people to grow their arts and leadership talents: it’s creative, valuable and accessible. Arts Award can be  achieved at five levels, four qualifications and an introductory award. During our Young Artist Week your child will have the opportunity to create a portfolio to work towards Silver level. More information can be found here https://www.artsaward.org.uk