Dudley Dream Walsh, 'COSMIC DISHARMONY'

30 November 2024 – 1 March 2025


Please Note: The gallery will be open appointment only between 22nd December – 8th January, please email info@2queens.com if you wish to arrange a visit

Two Queens is proud to present Dudley Dream Walsh’s first UK exhibition of paintings ‘COSMIC DISHARMONY’. The show is a culmination of experiments made whilst a resident at the semi-mythical DIY artist residency, The Field, Derbyshire.

COSMIC DISHARMONY is an exhibition about devotion to existence in a world (or worlds) of dissonance and fragmentation. All positions are for equal consideration from hell to bliss — elemental, physical and astral. Through this work, the artist asks questions about nature, the entirety, and the edges – by mapping internal and external realms. And what’s beyond rationalism, beyond capitalism? Can we have a new word for new? By making paintings and drawings, Dudley explores ideas of survival, landlessness and worklessness. Unfolding through horizons, skies, and the view from the confines of a room – it could be a gallery, a prison cell, or a box room advertised on right move as a double.

The exhibition comes with a publication of the same name- featuring writing and drawing by; Uma Breakdown, Alice Aster, Ali Malik, Winter Beaumont, Grime, Rein Lo, and Dudley. Designed by Jake Kent. This project is made possible by public funding from The National Lottery through Arts Council England.

Dudley Dream Walsh has recently worked with Wysing Arts Centre, Museum of Justice, Mayday Rooms, Abolitionist Futures, London Conference of Critical Thought, CCA Derry. Exhibited at SCREW gallery, PPC Paris, ACUD Berlin, Cheap Cheap gallery Birmingham, The Royal Standard Liverpool. They are an alumni of School of The Damned, class of 2017.