Friday 28 April 2023


Friday 28th April, 6-10pm

Two Queens presents the second in our ‘Two Queens Two Screens’ series of screening events. Bringing together video work by over 60 artists across our main gallery and foyer screens, encompassing the full range of contemporary moving image practice; AI Generated works, Machinima, Animation, found image collage, analogue film making, Vlogs, documented performance etc etc. From 16 second works up to ten minutes, the two curated showreels will play twice during the event. 

ACJ / Cos Ahmet / Rory Beard / Lara Beasley / Bob Bicknell-knight / Shannon Butler / Citizen Bxtr / Musa Camp / Arianna Cheung / Victoria Clark / Emma Constantine / Kp Culver / Jane Domingos / Mateus Domingos / Ambie Drew / Pete Ellis / Maddie Exton / Shirine Shah & Matt Feldman / Beth Fox / Dominique Golden / Grime / Rowena Harris / Les Hayden / Stuart Hicking / Kate Liston / Lottie O’Neill and Andrew Jones / Elizabeth Keen / Ismail Khokon / Showna Kim / Jack Lewdjaw / Alison Lloyd / Natasha Macvoy / Izzy Mcevoy / Owain Train Mcgilvary / Juno Meazles / Meels / Annie Morrad / Lottie O’Neill / Krystle Patel / Duncan Poulton / Paul Raymond / Assunta Ruocco / Nick Smith / Agatha Smith / Anne Stansfield / Vitesh Vithlani / Kühle Wampe / Raisa Watkiss / Lozz Wilkins / Siân Williams

Image Credit: Still from Duncan Poulton and Sally Beets ‘If you’re watching this now, then this is for you’, 2022